Contributors to DIAGRAM 2:2


Kathryn T.S. Bass completed her Ph.D. in Creative Writing in 1995. Her work has appeared in literary magazines including Quarter After Eight, The Prose Poem, American Tanka, Poetry Motel, The Pedestal Magazine, and Red River Review. She finds joy in the smell of rosemary and in her friends, her decadent tomato garden, her dogs and cat, and in her startlingly compatible husband, Joel. Recently, she was honored with a $5,000 artist's fellowship from the State of Colorado. [email]

Darla Beasley's writing has received numerous honors, including two consecutive awards from the Academy of American Poets, in association with Indiana State University. Her fiction has been awarded the El Andar Prize for Literary Excellence and her novella, Tracks, received the 2001 Andre Dubus Award from Smallmouth Press. Her work has also appeared in various other publications, including the Peralta Press and the Mississippi Review Hamlet Anniversary Issue. After working as a video club drone, a catering truck driver, and an art museum assistant, Beasley's career path has dropped her off at a college library, where she is comforted by the fact that by day, Batgirl was a librarian. You can reach her by dialing the usual Bat Phone or by [email].

David Berg-Seiter is one jump short of his skydiving license. He recently ate cricket tacos and enjoyed them. Put those skills together and you've got a $50,000 winner on NBC's hit game show Fear Factor. His writing has appeared in Jazziz, URB, and other magazines.

Marni Borek lives in New York City, where she's trying very hard to produce short stories that pass the 1500 word mark. Her short stories have been published online in Hubris and Poor Mojo's Almanac. Her work will also be featured in upcoming issues of 42opus as well as the new print journal Si Senor. She's currently working on a collection of short stories. Main theme(s): meat, families and compulsive behaviors.

Alissa Carrier currently resides in Athens, GA where she pretends to work on her MA. Her poems are forthcoming in HLF Quarterly, Can We Have Our Ball Back?, and Shampoo.

Maile Chapman is in Finland, working on a novel with the support of a Fulbright Grant in Creative Writing. Her stories have recently appeared in Mississippi Review, Denver Quarterly, and other magazines.

Terry J. England was born in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Besides writing poetry, she is a photographer and jewelry designer. She lives outside of Boston with her husband and their two almost grown children.

Eileen Favorite has published work in Poetry East, Folio, Rhino, Midnight Mind, and other literary magazines. She received an MFA in Writing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she also teaches English. She was awarded an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in 2001, and her essays have been featured on Chicago Public Radio.

Diane Kerr lives in Pittsburgh and recently finished a MFA at Warren Wilson. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in Kalliope, Iowa Woman, Zone III, and The Southern Indiana Review.

Joshua Kryah's poems have appeared or are soon to appear in Chelsea, Fine Madness, Interim, New Orleans Review, and Phoebe. He works as a radio announcer in Iowa City.

Philip Metres has poems and translations of modern Russian poets appearing in numerous journals, including Poetry; in Best American Poetry 2002; and In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era (Zephyr, 1999). "A House Without," his first book manuscript, is currently a semifinalist for the Walt Whitman Award. A Kindred Orphanhood: Selected Poems of Sergey Gandlevsky is forthcoming. Catalogue of Comedic Novelties: Selected Poems of Lev Rubinshtein, for which he received an NEA fellowship, is currently under consideration. He teaches at John Carroll University and lives with his wife Amy in Cleveland, Ohio.

Rita Moe's poetry has been published in Sing, Heavenly Muse!, Water~Stone, Poet Lore, and other journals. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University in May, 2002. The mother of two grown sons, she works full-time for an investment firm and lives with her husband in Roseville, MN.

Jeffrey Salane lives in Brooklyn. He is currently an MFA candidate in the New School University's Writing Program. He has work published or forthcoming in Good Foot, Pindeldyboz, The Monday Poetry Report and La Petite Zine. [email]

Kate Schapira lives and writes in the Hudson Valley, teaches writing and women's history in a women's correctional facility, and plans to start a small press in order to make good writing cheaply accessible to everyone. She has recently learned to love drawing again and draws many fine comics. She believes that writing can teach us how to interact with the world. Look for her work in The Bard Papers, Prima Materia, In The Raw, and many other places. Soon. We hope.

Eric Schwerer has recently tried to get back in touch with some friends but none are interested.

G.C. Waldrep's work has appeared in Poetry, Gettysburg Review, Many Mountains Moving, and other journals. He currently divides his time between North Carolina and southern Indiana, where he works as a day laborer.

Scott Weaver lives in Washington, DC and is an MFA candidate at George Mason University. His non-fiction has appeared in various newspapers and anthologies; his poetry has been featured in The Midwestern Review, Slant, AlphaBeat Soup, Beggar's Press, Spires, and Nerve Cowboy.

Derek White currently works (by necessity) in the field of online music for pressplay in New York City. Other pieces have recently appeared in Del Sol Review, gestalten, Aught, and perspektive. He can be found on the Web [here].