



* We believe in the serial comma.

* Here's our feeling on the bios. We prefer them to be entertaining, but above all they should be useful. Hence we include email addresses and website where you can find the writers, if the writers agree to this. We don't like to list awards or graduate degrees unless they are useful for readers. (We suspect these are not useful for readers.) However, we are happy to list other places you might find these writers' work, and where they teach or work, if you want to find them and send them cash or love or creepy or dirty or just plain sweet photos.

Joe Aguilar lives in Massachusetts. [email]

Kate Asche's poetry is forthcoming in Denver Quarterly and has appeared in The Missouri Review (as an Audio Prize finalist) and in Colorado Review, Santa Clara Review, The Pinch, RHINO, and elsewhere. Finishing Line Press published her chapbook, Our Day in the Labyrinth, in 2015. She teaches workshops and provides writing coaching in Sacramento and runs the Sacramento Poetry Center's Annual Spring Conference. [email] [website]

Jennie Ray Bell lives in upstate NY with her transcendental husband and sweet face beautybaby. Other work can be found in decomP magazinE, Harpur Palate, VOLT, Spoon River Poetry Review, and elsewhere. She spends a lot of time thinking about her grandma, how to make her house older, and, of course, unwell cells. [email]

Teresa Carmody is the author of Maison Femme: a fiction and Requiem. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in St. Petersburg Review, Two Serious Ladies, Entropy, and more. A founding editor of Les Figues Press, she currently lives in Florida where she directs Stetson University's MFA of the Americas. [email]

Evan Gray is from Jefferson, North Carolina, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the author of Blindspot (The Rest) (Garden-Door Press, 2018). His poetry and essays can be found in Word For/Word, Dream Pop Journal, Tarpaulin Sky, and others. He believes that poetry is friendship; therefore, you should contact him. [email]

Michael Hurley is from Pittsburgh. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Sycamore Review, New Delta Review, Fourteen Hills, Spoon River Poetry Review, Mid-American Review, Prairie Schooner, Alaska Quarterly Review, North American Review, FIELD, Massachusetts Review, Crab Orchard Review, and elsewhere. His chapbook, Wooden Boys, is available from Seven Kitchens Press. [email]

Megan Kaminski Megan Kaminski is the author of two books of poetry, Deep City (Noemi Press, 2015) and Desiring Map (Coconut Books, 2012), with a third book, Gentlewomen, forthcoming from Noemi Press. She is an associate professor in the University of Kansas' Graduate Creative Writing Program and a Keeler Intra-University Professor studying trauma and healing in the School of Social Welfare. She also curates the Taproom Poetry Series in downtown Lawrence. [website] [instagram] [email]

Sarah Koenig lives in Seattle, WA. Her poetry has appeared in City Arts, Pageboy and Calyx, among other journals. Her work is also featured in Washington 129, an anthology of Washington state poets and on King County transit as part of the Poetry on Buses project.

Brigitte Lewis is a prose writer born in Gold Country and destined for speculation. She has never seen a ghost, but they haunt her just the same. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Entropy and Permafrost, and she is currently working on a hybrid memoir. [website] [email]

Nabila Lovelace is a first-generation Queens native, her people hail from Trinidad & Nigeria. Sons of Achillesher debut book of poems, is available now from YesYes Books. You can currently find her kicking it in Tuscaloosa. [email]

Angie Macri is the author of Underwater Panther (Southeast Missouri State University), winner of the Cowles Poetry Book Prize, and Fear Nothing of the Future or the Past (Finishing Line). Her recent work appears in Poetry, Superstition Review, and Tar River Poetry. An Arkansas Arts Council fellow, she lives in Hot Springs. [website]

Roxanne Banks Malia lives in Denver, Colorado where she runs a youth outreach program for the nonprofit literary center Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Her work has appeared in Coldfront Magazine, Copper Nickel, CutBank, and elsewhere. [email]

Adam McOmber is the author of My House Gathers Desires (BOA Editions 2017), The White Forest (Touchstone 2012) and This New & Poisonous Air (BOA Editions 2011). His work has appeared recently in Kenyon Review, Conjunctions, and The Collagist. He lives and teaches in Los Angeles. [email]

Jennifer Murvin's stories, essays, and graphic narrative have appeared in The Florida Review, Catamaran Literary Reader, CutBank, Indiana Review, Post Road, American Short Fiction, The Sun, Mid-American Review, The Cincinnati ReviewBellingham Review, Phoebe, Baltimore Review, and other journals. Jen teaches courses in fiction writing, memoir writing, comics, literature, and narrative theory at Missouri State University and is recurring faculty for the bi-annual River Pretty Writers Retreat in the Ozarks. [website] [email]

Tim Raymond's fiction is forthcoming in Salt Hill, New South, and other places. He also makes comics, which can be found [here]. [email]

Sarah Passino is a poet, editor, and teacher. Her work has most recently appeared in Broome Street Review, Poetry Daily, and Underwater New York. A small collection is forthcoming in an anthology co-published by Wendy's Subway and Bard Graduate Center, and she is a 2018 Poets House Fellow. [website] [instagram] [email]

Lee Ann Roripaugh is the author of four volumes of poetry: Dandarians (Milkweed, Editions, 2014), On the Cusp of a Dangerous Year (Southern Illinois University Press, 2009), Year of the Snake (Southern Illinois University Press, 2004), and Beyond Heart Mountain (Penguin, 1999). A fifth volume, tsunami vs. the fukushima 50, is forthcoming from Milkweed in 2018. She was named winner of the Association of Asian American Studies Book Award in Poetry/Prose for 2004, and a 1998 winner of the National Poetry Series. The current South Dakota State Poet Laureate, Roripaugh is a Professor of English at the University of South Dakota, where she serves as Director of Creative Writing and Editor-in-Chief of South Dakota Review.

Joe Sacksteder is the author of Make/Shift (Sarabande Books) and Driftless Quintet (Schaffner Press), both forthcoming in 2019. He's a PhD candidate at the University of Utah, where he's managing editor of Quarterly West. Recent and forthcoming publications include Salt HillNinth LetterDenver Quarterly, and The Rumpus. [email]

Jane Satterfield is the author of five books, most recently Apocalypse Mix, selected by David St. John for the 2016 Autumn House Poetry Prize. Recent essays appear in Baltimore Fishbowl, Superstition Review, Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine, and Hotel Amerika. She is married to poet Ned Balbo and lives in Baltimore. [website]

Zach VandeZande is an Assistant Professor at Central Washington University. He is the author of the novel Apathy and Paying Rent (Loose Teeth, 2008) and the forthcoming short story collection Lesser American Boys (Ferry Street Books, 2018). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Gettysburg Review, Yemassee, Georgia Review, Wigleaf, Smokelong Quarterly, Portland Review, Cutbank, Sundog Literature, Slice Magazine, Atlas Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. He likes you just fine. [email]

G C Waldrep is the author most recently of Testament (BOA Editions, 2015), a long poem, and a chapbook, Susquehanna (Omnidawn, 2013).  A new collection, feast gently, is due out from Tupelo Press in 2018.  Waldrep lives in Lewisburg, Pa., where he teaches at Bucknell University, edits the journal West Branch, and serves as Editor-at-Large for The Kenyon Review. [email]

Derek JG Williams is a doctoral student in poetry at Ohio University, where he also teaches. [website] [email]

Amie Zimmerman lives in Portland, Oregon. Her work has been published, or is forthcoming, in Sixth Finch, Thrush Poetry Journal, Puerto del Sol, Salt Hill, and BathHouse Journal, among others. She has two chapbooks, Oyster (REALITY BEACH) and Compliance (Essay Press), and is events coordinator for YesYes Books. [website