



Jennie Ray Bell



1 : physical suffering of the lower left viscera; can't go for 15-minute car ride; unhandy impressions, especially of the abdominal and legs; overweight-footed; unconditionally no appetite, become sapless by food, going wrong at attempt to ingurgitate; carnal desire to deep cry; spotting/break-through bleeding; hydrating very often, but uneasy that unremitting urination [2-4 times per hour] is causing dehydration; buried, grievous cramps of the calf that begin early on the day and become last straw [can't walk] in evening or night, tried to alleviate with lotion press [slight improvement].

2 : "blood pressure headache" which comes on [ironically] while sitting, improves with standing and pacing; also "traveling headache" brought on while anticipating to sleep, starting in either temple and moving forward in "band-shape" across hairline [very distracting, couldn't enjoy lovey time]; acute decrepitude and bulky legs [could scarcely get them to step]; rapid pulse [standing]; should not have stayed in bed all day and eschewed [starved]; nick or canker sore on left inner cheek near corner of lip; heart carking; tried to cure with gatorade and ensure; normalized after 2 hours.

3 : malaise and hardship cruising unrestricted through abdominal; piercing and undue soreness of the upper right molar when compressed [gum seems to be source]; two bloodstained-looking patches on scalp near hairline/forehead; meagerness [likely due to lack of sustenance]; slight discomfort of the bottom right gum; some appetite, but no inducements to eat; mild to moderate sleepiness/laziness [likely caused by excessive sleep]; only a calm loneliness [likely due to keeping busy]; petite slash between left hand and wrist; very slack focus for most of day, a little improvement during the night hours.

4 : opened up eyes because of sharp sore throat, expected to call it a day upon trying a beverage, but did not; ragged and dry voice; thorny pain running diagonally from right chest to duodenum lasting only a few seconds, but very alarmable over what it is and whether it will recur; half of nail on pinky toe ripped off and stinging in bed and when sock is put on; still break-through bleeding; real fragile, really feel it in arms when trying to do any household task; inmost dysphoria and unease caused by physical awareness of refractory heart; feeling of snuffing, or respiring, dog-tired around chest and heart enclosure.

5 : thorny pain running diagonally from right chest to duodenum lasting only a few seconds persisted today, hadn't figured it would; break-through bleeding continuing and, by this point, concerned it will never face impediment; umpteen urinations extending into today, inconvenient while patroning around; waves of nausea/unbalance/infirmity that are exceptionally immense to illustrate verbally and leave one questioning their legitimacy [this has lasted a week], very intimidated it is pregnancy and don't know of any other thing that causes waves of squeamishness for so many days in a sequence; spells of supreme warmness after eating; disproportionate vigor while sitting and lying, but standing causes bad washout due to shrewd sensations; feels like bodily substance has become denser like cells packing in; almost collapsed at cash register and had nowhere to sit, there is nowhere for the laid-up to be seated in a department store; very disoriented under florescent lighting and couldn't take time to pick out new sunglasses; no place to be bedridden in the public.

6 : swollen lymph node in right side of neck/back intersection; very bothered; very bothered. never before had a swollen lymph node in that location, except a few months ago with mononucleosis, which is notorious for causing swollen lymph nodes everywhere in the body; small, flush patch of itchy skin very near to enlarged node; sat on bathroom sink backward, trying to see what's going on in medicine cabinet mirror. got too daunted to. kept scouring too, because I can't grapple it that it hurts [lymph nodes are not supposed to]; gloomy face about it all day and night; a curse when manifestations first surface and it would seem one must delay visitations to the doctor because she'd only ask "how long have you had it" and then what you would have to say; all other symptoms are business as usual.

7 : contractions on either side of middle/lower spinal column, fretful it may be kidneys, but location of discomfort may not coincide with that; later, hypersensitivity in left arm and again in posterior; break through bleeding, as ever; relentless urination, like always; swollen lymph node not gone, but a little less embittered; momentary prickle in left ankle; vision predicament where bedazzling green impressions turn up in peripheral and have too much marbling [as if radiant, but not]; disconsolate [due to rainstorms in weather]; looking down a lot; swollen lymph node in neck/back area; runny nose that stays fleetingly, could be either allergy- or anxiety-related.

8 : I wish I knew if I were an individual or not.

9 : in an agitation, trying to cognize what is different about being around me, as well as if there is any physiological difference about me [would guess it a blood sugar problem]; awoken by perception like granule of sand somehow got fastened to upper left eyelid [and somehow with closed eyes]; was stirred up numerous times throughout because expired contact lenses may have caused a bug in the eye [or a little kernel had gotten in there and so much time would pass that a film of eye-casing would swell over it, hemming it in for good, until the optometrist would have to peel it with a needle]; peculiar appetite upon starting digestive enzymes, altogether hungry, yet can only start eating and not ever finish; considerable pinching in stomach after just a few refreshments [have experienced this on and off for approximately 3 and a half months].

10 : touchy sleep pattern becoming apparent, positively stationary all day, unable to be on feet and clean, getting up at 2:38pm and dying back off by 6:00pm, then trying to have a siesta at night, twirling and unable to get complacent; cannot get in contacts and glasses are broke in half from snapping when irate, completely disarmed without field of vision; hatchet job pain in upper left molar [as likely as not caused by compression from distended gum rather than categorical tooth], can't stop kneading it with tongue, prompting sting to disperse into ear and make flushed reaction on left cheekbone, godawful at night and fostering sleeplessness; simultaneous piercing vibes in left temple, tender to the touch, possibly caused by gum complication, but more likely bred from something wrong with contact lens [however, tribulation in left eye experienced once with contact absent]; marshy eyes at sunset inducing sense of upset; indefinite points of strain in mid and upper back [likely brought on while lifting rubbage after cleaning]; fervid vibes [burning] on individual vertebrae close to nape.

11 : expressionless face upon rising and just nobody home; somewhat cross; huffy intramurals; cadaverous face; low temperature [95.5 F]; can't relinquish my pacing; flutters of revulsion carrying on only a few seconds, but carrying and carrying on; also "nausea of the head"; very clamorous to think, inexecutable; budging reeeal slow; uncompromising proneness; ricketiness; tried to rehabilitate with gatorade [for electrolytes] and ensure nutritional supplement drink; unappeasable stomachache following hasty consumption of chocolate milk, in-turn causing nerve problems.

12 : still maneuvering within great heaviness; bulge found in isthmus, right of larynx, potentially an enlarged lymph node [comment~ "quite rolly"], unmitigated insensibility upon first detecting, then disavowal; bottommost abdominal region ballooning for no reason [not menstrual] [bloating and fatigue are symptoms of ovarian cancer, which maternal parent procures]; cancer, lord, lord; approximately 7 signs per hour; periodic barbed-wire in single vertebrae at apex of backbone.

13 : two broader left molars acting substandard, am therefore loath to allow provisions to even touch them, unfortunately succumbed to late night chex mix; wakeful all nighttime with a bucking disorder, much like a justified pounding; uttermost burnout; tight pressing that migrates to left ear and mandible; sardonic tenderness simultaneously encompassing left optic nerve and temple, notably cushy to the touch, considerable aggravation or crushing; all indicium escalate upon lying down, had to defer to blubbering in order to contend with bad throbbing; state of entire left side of aspect suggests bacillus present; possible lung butter.

14 : jaw dropped over persons on tv being always unimpaired or restored; mourning [in bed] over blatant discord in one of the proximal bones of the tarsus, enduring only a few seconds and eventuating only twice, but arduous and causing fitfulness and apprehension that it would start to recoil; shimmies in left patella [last night] would not wane out; hives in the a.m. on right knee [possibly due to sweatpants in need of laundering]; episodes of hay fever propagating sternutation; negligible sniffles lasting about 10 minutes and accompanied by sinus cramp; staring at the wall; wrenches thrown in solar plexus, and one down in lower left rib tarrying a minute or so [conceivably caused by eating oodles of gummy worms]; crick in back left rib [quite vexing to distinguish whether it is muscular, skeletal or lung]; dissecting sensations in ear [caused by angling tongue to swab a tooth's cavity]; grand culmination of all disturbances lasting approximately 30 seconds, certainly ample agency for indigestion.

15 : bad news when attempting to suspend consciousness; compression and tensity of the hip; active rifts in the taluses, as in orchestrated nettle perforations; strain, due to exertion, in ankles after only short travel, cartilage can be literally discerned when it is supposed to be undiscerned; uncounted hives on posterior, upper right limb and left face [but conceivably bed bug bites]; allergic reaction before noon [dusty bed blanket all night may have contributed]; low spirits in left wrist; poignancy in joints just a while ago, all-in-all taxing.

16 : humbling spell of the right hip; pulls and kinks honed in right calf, unable to be standing for ten minutes to select indian hair jewelry; advil conclusively ineffectual later when hip injuries distribute into nerves; also, after susceptibility was administered to leg, was forced to gimp around gas station in search of remedy salve, appeared somewhat palsied as everyone there stepped naturally; bed holiday and icy hot pain relieving cream resulted in softening of pain to mild buzz, yet still pointed enough to evoke a contemplative uncertainty; tolerable rawness in gums beneath sequence of teeth in upper right mouth [not bothersome, so repeatedly aggravated].

17 : very ruffed-up hang nails on left thumb, determined to make appearances even after being bitten off; hip, back and leg maladies advancing, manifestations consistently more pronounced in right side, but have started to enroot in left ankle; nearly unable to finish shower due to spasmy stabs in both ankles [tub surface counterchecks all ability to detect nice, cartilage-type cushion in joints] apperceived like crunchy bones, and that really makes both feet hurt to stand, causing continual "running man" dance in shower downpour; also poisoned juices; gum lousiness; casual smarting toward right side of tongue with vague debut of whiteness [appears as small, red mark] [probable injury from sharp, sugary cuisine on roof of mouth, or cap'n crunch]; quite unexpected and wearisome incidents of nasty behavior [related to pmdd?], inability to hold depravation within mind, conducive to floggings of self [with shoe and cordless phone] on head, kisser, lap and pelvic area; also mauling and tearing [with briery fingernails] of bosom, ventral and face, culminating in thorax covered with telling claw marks as well as two faint and one gory scrape on right cheek, moderate disconcertion of right cheek bone and assorted contusions on legs, [possible symbolism that one bruise in particular on left leg, near knee, surfaced as perfectly symmetrical heart].

18 : unturned curse in lower half of body, was therefore assessed for arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, and wheat intolerance [awaiting results], no x-rays; sneezing recurrently, but no analogous symptoms such as congestion stuff ups; moderate to severe sinus complaint upon retiring, setting forth skewer-like vibes between eyes and on each brow, sitting or standing mollify pain for most part [but advil does not touch it]; chest feels as if something is off [this is a positional problem], as if a cough is incarnating, something wrong is latent [froth or riffraff germinating in upper lung lobes]; palpable offishness; droughty lips; thirst toward end of day.

19 : smelling fictional oranges for no reason; periods of badgerment from right ocular, feasibly caused by harnessing eyes within cotton-mouthed contacts; clutching upper back; sneezing; increasing aversion for bedtime; feeling of frostiness and clammy bones toward night, bringing on blue funk and ineptitude to keep in mind that atmospheric conditions can shift; very reddened and ulcerated floor of mouth, making speech a much too intricate thing; cutthroat perpetrators drilling methodically into left temple and brain base; low blood sugar due to insufficient intake and utter lack of enterprise to scrounge up anything; uproar in gums, cheeks and nearly all molars elaborating due to nine cavities; sinus ordeal keeping on [contributing factors may include peculiar mold (black) and insulation falling out from sizeable break in ceiling panel directly outside of apartment].

20 : how blue can you get.

21 : chipper and muscular for first five minutes upon rising [and without even adequate hours of sleep]; complications from standing while lathering and soaping dishes and placing things in ziploc bags; palpitations; driving need for relief; smutches in left eye for approximately 5 minutes; ugly skin; chiding in belly arena; moderate pukiness upon drinking ensure immune balance lasting roughly 15 minutes; tongue still vexatious, but mostly to lesser caliber; travail in left hamstring brought on simply by positioning upward for several minutes, then abatement during downtime, but miscellaneous leg conditions relapse upon repositioning; "bafflement and tumult of body"; suspicion of ginger ale not digesting [as if just bumming on stomach doorstep]; atypical response in consequence to going in daylight, as in vague vision disturbance, light-headedness, decomposition walking, awfully low ardor, proceeding very haltingly, thoroughly inoperative and positively no briskness; nervousness; hotness; extreme thirst toward 7pm [scanty fluidic intake all day]; compulsion to "whoop" and "ahem" upon assisting in walking a dog.






"I'd woken up early, and I took a long time getting ready to exist." —Fernando Pessoa