* We believe in the serial comma.

* Here's our feeling on the bios. We prefer them to be entertaining, but above all they should be useful. Hence we include email addresses and website where you can find the writers, if the writers agree to this. We don't like to list awards or graduate degrees unless they are useful for readers. (We suspect these are not useful for readers.) However, we are happy to list other places you might find these writers' work, and where they teach or work, if you want to find them and send them cash or love or creepy or dirty or just plain sweet photos.

Arlene Ang’s latest poetry collection, Banned for Life was published by Misty Publications in 2014. She is also the author of The Desecration of Doves (2005), Secret Love Poems (Rubicon Press, 2007), Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (Texture Press, 2008), co-written with Valerie Fox, and Seeing Birds in Church Is a Kind of Adieu (Cinnamon Press, 2010). Her poems have appeared in Ambit, Caketrain, DIAGRAM, Poetry Ireland, Poet Lore, Rattle, and Salt Hill as well as the Best of the Web anthologies 2008 and 2009 (Dzanc Books). She lives in Spinea, Italy. [website]

Shanan Ballam teaches poetry writing, fiction writing, and composition at Utah State University. She is the author of the chapbook The Red Riding Hood Papers (Finishing Line 2010) and the full-length poetry collection Pretty Marrow (Negative Capability 2013). [email]

Gavin Buckley is a promiscuous reader and an amateur scribbler. He recently removed the phrase "I'm listening to a lot of Dvorák right now" from his pick-up line repertoire after years of blank stares. He is looking for a replacement line. Currently, he resides in Flagstaff, AZ. [email]

Michael Chaney has been published in Wigleaf, Michigan Quarterly Review, and Callaloo, and has work forthcoming in Fourth Genre and Los Angeles Review. He teaches English and African American Studies at Dartmouth College and writes critically about the intersections of race and the cartoonal. [website]

Will Cordeiro cannot drive a car. He is not on any social media. Some question if he is American. Others, whether he is human.

Oscar Cuevas is from a small town in Southeast Kansas. He lived in Syracuse for three years before moving to New York City, where he's at work on his first book. [email]

Tim Earley is the author of four books of poems, including Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery (Horse Less Press, 2014) and the forthcoming Linthead Stomp (Horse Less Press, 2016). He teaches online courses in literature and creative writing for the University of Mississippi and lives in Denver, Colorado. [email]

Beth Ann Fennelly directs the MFA Program at the University of Mississippi. She used to be in love with the line, but now she's in love with the sentence. [email]

Sara Eliza Johnson is the author of Bone Map (Milkweed 2014), winner of the 2013 National Poetry Series. Recent work appears in Salt Hill, North Dakota QuarterlyGulf Coast, and Poets.org. [website]

Diane K Martin's poems are forthcoming or have appeared in Kenyon Review, Field, Zyzzyva, Harvard Review, Narrative, and many other journals and anthologies. Her first collection, Conjugated Visits, a National Poetry Series finalist, was published in May 2010 by Dream Horse Press, and her newest manuscript, Hue and Cry, is seeking a publisher. She lives in West Sonoma County, California, with her photographer husband and her dog. [email]

Robert Miltner is the author of the story collection And Your Bird Can Sing (Bottom Dog Press).  His prose poetry collection, Hotel Utopia, received the New Rivers Press Many Voices poetry prize, and his ten chapbooks including Against the Simple (Wick award), and Eurydice Rising (Red Berry Editions award). He teaches at Kent State University and is on the poetry and fiction faculties of the NEOMFA. 

Rachel Mindell directs the Montana Book Festival. Her chapbook, A Teardrop and a Bullet , will be released this winter by Dancing Girl Press. Individual poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Pool, Bombay Gin, BOAAT, Horse Less Review, DESTROYER, Yemassee, Anti-, Cream City Review, inter|rupture, and elsewhere. [email]

JoAnna Novak writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Her debut novel, I Must Have You, will be published in May 2017.

Originally from Atlanta, Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer is a poet and installation artist in St. Louis, Missouri. She is the author of Cleavemark (BOAAT Press, 2016), and her poems have appeared in AGNI, Denver Quarterly, LIT, Colorado Review, Fence, and elsewhere. Schlaifer was a semi-finalist for the 2015 Discovery/Boston Review Prize, and she was selected for Best New Poets 2015. She frequently collaborates with other artists, including Jeff Pike on the illustrated chapbook Strangers with a Lifeboat, and most recently with Cheryl Wassenaar on an installation at the Fort Gondo Compound for the Arts, based on the poems in Cleavemark. [email] [website]

Joel Smith is the author of The Parish: An AmeriCorps Story, a graphic novel set in post-Katrina New Orleans. He also has stories in Witness, PANK, Hobart, and Word Riot, among other journals. He lives in Tucson, Arizona where he edits for Spork Press. [email]

Liam Swanson's writing has appeared most recently in Platypus Review, Sonora Review, Cloud Rodeo, New Delta Review, and Cartridge Lit, and is forthcoming in Deluge. Follow him on Twitter @liamsswanson if you're interested in bugs, communism, and/or video games. [email]

Jake Syersak is the author of Yield Architecture (Burnside Review Books 2017), as well as two chapbooks: Impressions in the Language of a Lantern's Wick (Ghost Proposal) and Notes to Wed No Toward (Plan B Press). He edits Cloud Rodeo, an online journal of poetry, and serves as a contributing editor for Letter Machine Editions. [email]

Matthew Vollmer is the author, most recently, of Gateway to Paradise, published in 2015 by Persea Books. He directs the undergraduate creative writing program at Virginia Tech. [website] [email]

Caroline Wilkinson’s work has appeared in Drunken BoatMemorious, and Cream City Review where she won the A. David Schwartz Fiction Prize. She is in the Ph.D. program at University of Tennessee. [website] [email]

Marco Wilkinson lives in Oberlin, OH where he is the managing editor of Oberlin College and teaches writing and sustainable agriculture at Oberlin College and Lorain County Community College. He is a hopelessly bad gardener with a soft spot for anything weedy and out of place. At the moment of writing this he is obsessed with the house finch fledgling giving him serious side-eye when he looks in its nest on his front porch. Marco's work has appeared in Kenyon Review, Seneca Review, DIAGRAM (!), Terrain, Assay, Taproot, Prospect, and elsewhere. "Madder" is part of an as-yet-unpublished lyric memoir of the same name. [email]